Color Psychology in Education

Color has transformative powers. It can lighten and brighten a space or make it moody. In education spaces it can enhance learning, memory and improve focus. Color is the visual form of communication in education that helps students maintain focus and enhance learning. Educators are becoming more aware of color psychology and the benefits it provides to students. An easy way to vary color on campus is by adding color to education furniture pieces. Kwalu’s Education furniture can provide durable and comfortable furniture within education while providing unique colors and patterns to enhance learning.

What is color psychology?

It’s the idea that certain colors can change our mood or influence decisions. While this may be true, like art, the amount of change and influence varies depending on the eye of the beholder. In other words, color is a visual form of communication. For the student, it speaks to the brain to influence learning and the heart to effect mood.

How do colors impact learning?

Off-white, which is the primary color used on classroom and dorm room walls, has a calming effect, and can help students engage and collaborate. Brown promotes a sense of security and relaxation. While it is at times viewed as a bland color, brown can help to reduce fatigue in students. Red is vibrant and triggers creativity. It is a great color for writers (even if the writing is a term paper) as it enhances storytelling and helps students stay alert. Blue contributes to focus by creating a general sense of wellbeing. Studies show blue can calm respiratory systems making it a good color to use in areas where students are engaged in projects that require deep thought like a library.

What is the best color for studying?

Green produces many positive effects on learning. Because of its relationship to nature, green literally promotes a feeling of calm, helping students to slowdown from their hectic schedules. Every shade of green is helpful in education…from light teal-like hues to dark greens like the shades found in leaves, all promote a sense of wellbeing and positivity.

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