Changing the Wait Concept in Waiting Rooms

November 20, 2019

Waiting in a doctor’s office, an emergency room or a surgical center is stressful. You or someone close to you does not feel well and you don’t know what’s wrong. You are hopeful for a positive outcome but you do not know what the result of your visit will be and you just want to get it over.  Your only concern should be about the clinical side of your visit, ‘will I get better’, not ‘will I get sicker because of the sketchy surroundings in this waiting room’. 

Clean gives the best impression

Hospitals are making strides in relieving the stress of the ‘waiting room’ by raising the level of clean. Kwalu’s award winning surfaces will put your mind at ease in any healthcare setting because of their incredible cleanability. Kwalu’s healthcare furniture and waiting room seating does not have any surface joints or seams and is bleach cleanable. Worn and tired-looking furniture can cause patients and visitors to draw negative conclusions about the quality of care they will receive. Easily cleaned and maintained waiting room furniture will leave a lasting positive impression.

Comfortable changes the waiting game

The numbers of people who visit emergency rooms is on the rise. Yet, no one likes the waiting room – especially the waiting room in the emergency area of the hospital. Wait times range from 30 to 90 minutes and with crying babies, coughing and sneezing people and the moaning of those in pain it only seems to get longer. Shorter wait times are important to the hospitals who are seeking higher approval ratings so they are inspired to speed up the process. If you are one of the ones headed to the hospital, you can hope for one, but you can’t depend on a shorter wait time. If the seating is right in that waiting room it will significantly reduce your wait time without you knowing. Comfortable never gets a complaint.

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