Thoughtful Design in Education

Thoughtful design in education solves a multitude of challenges. Considering the high volume of contact in an educational environment, furniture in the living and learning spaces should be easily moved for collaborative study, easily cleaned to deter the spread of viruses and flu, and special attention should be placed on the types of fabrics and finishes so the furniture looks like new for a long time.

Thoughtful design in Education maintains integrity and performance

Design for higher education gathering places should accommodate small social groups for collaborative study and relaxing down time. Kwalu offers beautifully designed furniture for higher education that is resistant to dings and scuffs and is easily maintained with minimal effort. To compete, higher education design must remain as flexible as the courses of study. For the price of a college education, students and their parents have come to expect more from the furniture than just functionality. They want design, thoughtful design.

Thoughtful design in Education considers surfaces

It may come as a surprise to you but the type and cleanability of furniture surfaces can have a direct effect on the spread of germs and viruses. Campus life brings people together – in classrooms, dormitories, and at events and activities. Studying in the library, attending a sporting event, or hanging out with roommates in the dorm, students are surrounded by faculty and other students 24/7. All this togetherness creates many opportunities for respiratory illnesses, such as flu, to spread. Kwalu’s innovative and award-winning surfaces are very cleanable, non-porous, and perform better than the coated surfaces of wood and metal.

Thoughtful design in Education considers failing fabrics

Thoughtful higher education furniture design is all about durable and cleanable finishes that look like wood but perform better than wood. Clean furniture is simply the best furniture in education. But don’t just stop at finishes. Fabric choices, while extensive and varied, should always be considered for their durability as well as aesthetic features. The wrong choice of furniture and fabric leads to the wrong impressions of your institution of higher learning. Don’t let your aesthetically unpleasing furniture end up in a frat house or in a junk pile.

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