LEVEL® Certification

We are excited to announce that we are now LEVEL® certified. BIFMA‘s sustainability certification program for furniture, LEVEL, is a comprehensive and transparent third-party certification program. The LEVEL mark attests that the product, the manufacturing facility, and the company responsible for the product brand, have been evaluated against the multi-attribute criteria of the ANSI/BIFMA e3-2019 Furniture Sustainability Standard. Products certified under the LEVEL program can be chosen with confidence.

Kwalu used the following methods for its product grouping methodology for LEVEL:
• The combination of base product and options with the highest volume of sales or anticipated highest volume for a new product within the product category / subcategories as defined in Annex A. It is not necessary to consider the full range of options available on the representative sample for purposes of the evaluation. Notwithstanding all products of a family group are expected to meet the intent of the credits.

• Worst-case sample selection defined in Section 4.

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