Best Bariatric Seating in Senior Living

Blog – February 11, 2022

Seniors have been locked down and in varying stages of solitude the last couple of years. Eating has been a comfort for many. In 2022, it is expected that more than 100 million Americans will be classified as obese. Add aging and reduced activity, and it is clear, the need for bariatric seating has increased and is a necessity in senior living common areas, resident rooms and dining spaces. Kwalu has a wide selection of bariatric seating, easily integrated into any senior living environment.

Bariatric in senior living common areas

The most important feature in bariatric seating in common areas of senior living communities is the safety of the seating option. The seat should be designed and built to support as much as 500 pounds. Bariatric seating should also blend in with standard seating in the space. Kwalu’s Terrasini Bariatric has these features and more. The width of the seat and back is wider and the Terrasini is available in two back heights.

Bariatric seating in senior living dining

Bariatric seating should be placed all around the dining room, giving residents a choice of where they want to sit. Additional steel-reinforcement in the joints provide solid support for the bariatric resident. Bariatric seating should be similar in design, color and upholstery to compliment other furnishings in the room and not stand out. Kwalu’s Trava Bariatric Dining chair is designed with generous proportions. Its frame is made of Kwalu’s proprietary finish, so it is extremely easy to keep clean.

Kwalu’s bariatric seating adds more comfort with curves

For bariatric residents back support is very important. If a resident is unable to sit all the way back in a seat due to extra lumbar tissue, the resident’s lower back is left unsupported. Chairs, like Kwalu’s Montedoro Bariatric, that curve around the body provide additional support for the bariatric user’s posture and pressure redistribution.

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