Is Metal the Best Idea for Assisted Living Furniture?
Blog – August 16, 2019
Metal furniture has evolved a little from the 1960’s folding card table and chair sets but metal still has a long way to go to achieve the homelike environment today’s seniors have come to expect. Furniture for seniors and assisted living communities must contribute to a safe environment, be easy to clean and be beautiful.
Resident Surveys Effected by Questionable Metal Surfaces
Furniture surfaces send messages to residents about the cleanliness of their surroundings. Metal furniture may appear to be more cost effective. However, when nicked by wheelchairs, canes, walkers or other furniture, it rusts, looks older and more worn than it is; repair and repurchase make it more expensive in the end. It is now the norm for people to let the world know about their experiences, good and bad, and those reviews can and do have an effect on where people choose to stay. There are a number of questions asked residents and their families about the atmosphere, quality of life and cleanliness of the rooms in assisted living. The look of the assisted living furniture in those rooms will have an impact on their reaction.

Metal Delivers a Chilly Reception
Aging changes our senses. As we age, our bodies become sensitive to cold. We are unable to generate enough heat to maintain the normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees. Add to that, our skin becomes thinner as we age. Comfort matters and metal can be quite cool to the touch. Imagine a frail and frigid senior’s arm on a metal armchair. Not comfortable and no relief. Choosing more comfortable and sustainable furniture for seniors can make all the difference.

Carefully Consider Metal; Others Will
Reliable and comfortable furniture for assisted living communities should not be on the worry list for those considering the right locale for loved ones. Seniors deserve furniture that is solid yet soft and comfortable. Their furniture has to be inviting and withstand the daily rigors and constant cleaning. Furniture in seniors should be warm to the touch and elegant, designed to last and last so that it looks like new.
When you book a hotel, do you study the ratings? Do you dig deeper and check the comments of those who have taken time to write a review. Think about it. When caring children read less than stellar reviews about the furniture at the new home they are considering for their parents, they change their minds about where their parents will go.