Surviving and Thriving in Senior Living with Healthy Food and Staying Active
Blog – February 2, 2021
The senior living community is trying to turn away from last year and the pandemic as quickly as possible. The residents who have been virtually isolated from family and friends are hopeful that with access to vaccines, they will be able to join family for meals and generally become more social. They are also more aware of ways to stay healthier diets and stronger longer. Reaching those goals is linked to better diets and active behaviors.
Health food tips that give a shot in the arm to the immune system
Raise a glass of orange juice to foods and juices filled with Vitamin C. This essential nutrient, long touted by your mother as a natural cold remedy, has many benefits. Seniors can find Vitamin C in grapefruit, oranges and lemons. Spinach and brussels sprouts are foods rich in C vitamin as well. There is an increased demand for wellness-based nutrition. Senior living communities focused on high nutrition are serving more options in a variety of locales on their campuses, fresh over canned and locally sourced foods.

Staying active for the body and the mind of seniors
Seniors need a health-conscientious plan of attack and senior living communities know that begins with activity. Exercise routines in 10-minute segments two or more times a day is the amount of time recommended by the CDC for older adults to maintain strength, balance and flexibility. The most popular activity is walking, and communities have incorporated trails with rest stop areas along the way within their landscaping.

Meditation to refocus and promote calm
When the world seems to be at its noisiest, seniors need a place to reset their minds and recharge. At times like these, quiet time and meditation are needed and appreciated. Meditation for seniors that is mindful can improve sleep, reduce stress and improve focus. Seniors will be happy to know they do not have to kneel or sit on the floor in order to meditate. Mindful meditation is best practiced where you are most comfortable. Seniors can meditate while standing or walking. Better still, seated in a comfortable lounge chair with a high back to create some privacy is ideal.