Creating a Soothing Atmosphere for Seniors in Troubled Times
Blog – May 21, 2020
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions or compromised immune systems are at the highest risk for severe illness from the coronavirus. That seems to be the case for many viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Those who are the frailest among us are the most vulnerable. As the nation slowly reopens, senior living communities remain closed to the outside, which means family and friends cannot visit. Now, more than ever seniors have to be calmed and comforted by their surroundings.
Furniture that comforts
Senior living spaces are changing. With social distancing in place, communities are planning furniture placement carefully. Consider comfortable wingback lounge chairs in common areas situated so that the user has a view or can engage in conversation at a safe distance. Love Seats allow spouses to sit with each other in these areas comfortably.

Senior-friendly furniture
If furniture is comfortable, it becomes a destination. Do you remember that chair in the living room that was dad’s ‘special chair’? Seniors love familiarity and do not want to be stressed about their seating options in senior living. They are particular about what the seating should look and feel like. They want the options to be the best selections possible. The properties of the seating in senior living are the same today as they were yesterday – durable, cleanable and comfortable.

Flexible activity seating
Activity directors continue to find ways to keep seniors active physically and mentally in senior living communities. Accomplish this by using flexible seating. Consider bridge and other card games played in seating, each with a dedicated tabletop and cup holder. Individual seating, like theater chairs, is the solution for games like bingo and trivia. Easily cleaned theater chairs positioned to maximize proper spacing are a bonus.